Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Office 700 3.2.0 Released

Office 700 version 3.2.0 is released.

Support for opt-outing Google Analytics

Office 700 use Google Analytics for improving app services.

If you want to know how and why collect data, please refer this privacy policy page.

If you don't want to collect data, you can opt-out Google Analytics by following below steps.

1. Select "Settings" in the home screen

2. Select "Office 700" or "Office 700 Lite"

3. Switch the toggle button "Opt-out Google Analytics"

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

How to open Drawing, Formula, Database and so on

In the top screen, you can't find to open Drawing, Formula, Database and so on.

You can open it from "Templates" button.

1. Select "Templates" in the top screen

2. Select "New Document" and you can select Drawing, Formula, Database and so on.